Monday, August 6, 2012

Dirty Harry Reid

Dirty Harry Reid strikes again by proclaiming on the floor of the Senate that Mitt Romney has not pay taxes for the past 10 years.

Gov. Romney claims this is not true and he has paid all of the taxes required of him. When asked for the proof of his charges, Harry Reid said it was told to him by a credible source. He could not name them so; that's convenient huh? The reason that dirty Harry made the accusation on the Senate floor was because he cannot be sued for libel, what a slime ball! Nancy Pelosi made the comment and said, it must be true because dirty Harry said it.

The politicians think that the American public are completely stupid. It is time to show them our intelligence in November when we vote this "do-nothing" in the Congress out of office and Barack Hussein Obama along with them. By the way, dirty Harry Reid refuse to disclose his tax returns. hmmm...

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