Hahiburton,Dyncorp,Blackwater,Itt corp. KBR(part of Hahiburton),Northrop Grumman,XE( part of Blackwater)These are the war mongers who are making millions of dollars on the war in Afghanistan. When you have a war and the arms dealers outnumber the troops this must tell you something is wrong. In Afghanistan there are 54 thousand troops and 74,000 contractors. Since 1994 the war contractors have been paid 300 million dollars. Do you think they want the war to end? lobbyist are paid big money to help keep the wars going. I ask myself when we will have a U.S. that is not in a war somewhere in the world. This is why we have to quit being the policeman of the world. Let these countries take care of there own problems. If they want to keep killing each other let them. The killing has been going on for hundreds of years why do you think they will stop now. People have to change there own way of life if they do not like it not us. Have a nice life.
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