Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Canadian Pipeline

Just in the past few days I have been watching gas prices inch up every day higher and higher they don't even try to justify why anymore they just keep raising the prices.

In the past months our president has decided to cancel a deal on the Canadian pipeline that would bring oil from Canada down to the Gulf Coast to be refined. For a president who said he was looking for shovel ready projects to put people back to work he just passed up many thousands of jobs. The Keystone pipeline would definitely help to bring down gas prices and stop our dependency on foreign oil from the Middle East. I understand now the Prime Minister of Canada is making a trip to China to see about selling oil. I have no idea what is in president Obama's head or how you justify putting us all at the risk of higher gas prices that by summer could go back to four dollars a gallon. The administration should realize the higher the gas prices go the lower your chance is for reelection.

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