Saturday, March 17, 2012

Stand up Comedy

Following in the tradition of Chris rock and Eddie Murphy Pres. Obama has taken his comedy show on the road to Chicago.

Pres. Obama pushing green energy such as algae, solar power, wind power, and the electric car made a joke that the GOP candidates must belong to the flat earth society referring to the people who did not back Christopher Columbus. Of course the audience gave their usual laughter and applause but do you really think there is something funny about gas prices at $3.83 and rising. Obama informed the crowd that they were no Abe Lincoln's among his GOP rival's. This may be true but you are definitely not Abraham Lincoln also Mr. Pres. I think you are more close to being a Jimmy Carter. So as we all skip down the yellow brick road built by our present Messiah let us remember who brought us high gas prices, trillion dollar debt ,and ever rising prices at the grocery store as we skip closer to election day.

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