On September 11, American consulates and embassies in Libya and Egypt came under attack. To this day the attacks have spread to Yemen, Tunisia and other Mideast countries.
With all of this unrest in the Middle East you would think the president of the United States Barack Hussein Obama would be in Washington communicating with the Pentagon on how to stop further attacks. Unfortunately that is not the case. After a short speech in the Rose Garden about the death of our ambassador and three diplomatic aides, Mr. Obama stopped by the State Department for a quick visit and then was on his way to Las Vegas for a fundraiser . He didn't even take the time to go to the daily security briefing that would've given him more information on this situation. I do not call this leading from the rear. I think it's running as fast as you can to get away. After all, the administration has apologized to the Muslim world through the State Department, what more do you want him to do? I do not think president Barack Hussein Obama deserves the title Commander-in-Chief, I think it should be Apologizer In Chief. We have a chance in less than 60 days to elect a real president. Please go out and vote.
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