Thursday, February 14, 2013


After the presidents state of the union message to the American people. Sen., Marco Rubio was selected to give the Republican response. Before he began he took a sip of water from his bottle. This was caught on camera. I did not think too much about it, but while watching the news it seemed like MSNBC thought this was a major mistake . They have referred to it a 155 times in the last few days.

This shows you the sad state of the mainstream media , especially MSNBC with all the problems in the world , North Korea, Iran, and the crisis in Syria you would think they would be important subjects, but they have concentrated on the man drinking water. Now you know why they are one of the lowest rated cable networks on the air.   These left-leaning networks and blogs must really fear . Sen. Marco Rubio to report on this Watergate incident so many times CNN also reported on this 33 times . It is a sad state of affairs in the mainstream media.

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