Pres. Obama is about to award Jane Fonda the "Woman of the Century Award". Jane Fonda is a traitor known as Hanoi Jane by other veterans of the Vietnam War and she do not deserve any award! Instead, she should be put in prison or shot as a traitor to our country. During the Vietnam War, she traveled to North Vietnam and gave comfort and aid to the North Vietnamese. She visited prison camps where our military were being held and she ridiculed them while being filmed by the North Vietnamese propaganda machine. What a heartless woman.

Those soldiers were there to fight and protect our freedom while she went there to humiliate them! She was a true communist then, and still is. She posed with North Vietnamese troops for photos and there is even the famous one of her sitting on antiaircraft guns of the enemy. Of course, Obama is happy to give her an award as he is a borderline communist himself. Any reason to downgrade our country he's right there. I guess the next person to get an award from the White House will be Bill Ayers or maybe Jeremiah Wright. Fonda said the POWs were "military careerists and professional killers" who are "trying to make themselves look self-righteous, but they are war criminals." Tell it to the parents who's sons and daughters did not comeback from the war! Hearless Hanoi Jane.
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