Monday, September 7, 2009


It is Labor Day in the U.S. so this will be a short post. The U.S. is fighting another useless war in Afghanistan. Did we not learn in Vietnam? The people of this country could care "less" about us or what type of government they live under. We should pull out of Afghanistan as soon as possible. Let the Afghan people run their own country. To many young Americans died for these people. It is time for them to stand up for themselves. If they end up killing each other so be it. We went there to kill terrorist belonging to Al Qaida but, there are other ways to do this without staying in Afghanistan. So, let us leave an let Allah solve this problem for them. Have a nice life!

1 comment:

marife said...

yeah, i think its the best solution to leave Afghanistan, US and UK is not only loosing their soldiers but the government is also loosing a lot of money.