Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Florida GOP Primary

The Florida GOP primary is under way today. All the polls have predicted Mitt Romney will come out the winner.

When watching the results of the election I generally turn to the Fox network as they seem to have the best unbiased coverage. If you go to the major networks which are mostly in the pocket of the present administration you will get a slanted view.

If Mitt Romney is the eventual winner of the GOP primaries and the candidate that will face off with Barack Obama for the presidency there is a good chance he will win and retire Obama to a one term. The advantage to having Romney as a presidential candidate is he has already been vetted and seems not to have as much baggage as some of the other candidates. His history of being a businessman is also a plus as this is exactly what we need to get out of this financial nightmare that was brought on us by both the Bush administration and the present administration.

The difference in the candidates Romney versus Obama is this. If Romney is elected president we do stand a chance to get the United States back on its feet and return it to its greatness. If Obama is elected for a second term we will be going down the pathway to European socialism. It is a simple choice.

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