Tuesday, January 3, 2012


The United States Congress as passed a law imposing very strict and harsh sanctions against the country of Iran.

It was sent to Pres. Obama for his signature but while in his possession there seems to be made some unique loopholes for this Muslim country. The president did sign the bill but added the loopholes that would grant waivers for 90 day periods to Iran. The president's to really watered-down a great bill that would have dealt a severe blow to our enemy. Because we really do have to consider this country our worst enemy as they already have proclaimed they would like to see our downfall.

On the news today Iran was reportedly having military maneuvers in the Persian Gulf. They have threatened to close down the Strait of Hormuz told the United States Navy to stay out of their or suffer the consequences. I am sure our weak president will probably cave in.

We are now entering the new year of 2012 and we have a very important election probably the most important election in the history of the United States. We have to vote this corrupt weak president out of office as soon as possible which will be in November so please keep this in mind when you go to the polls. We cannot stand four more years of this administration.

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